August 15, 1983
That was a fun day. Grandma came to stay with us while mom and dad went to the hospital. I remember getting the phone call that we had a new baby sister. We were ecstatic! Someone to dress up, boss around and love on was going to be coming home soon!
Through these past 23 years, we've all learned a lot about you:
- You have the sweetest, most tender heart because you would cry when Annie and I fought.
- You proved that you're one tough cookie after your surgery. (that helmet was a great look on you)
- You know what you want and who you are as a person
- You've never quite liked junk food like the rest of us. You were the "I'd rather have fruit, mom" kid.
- You have a voice like an angel...no seriously.
There are so many things I love about you. So, here's to your day being a super special one. We love you very much!
Happy Birthday Molly!
Love, your big sis
p.s. go ahead and laugh it up at my poodle perm. i'm used to it.
That is SUCH a cute picture.
Happy Birthday Molly!
I love that Perm. Molly did it better, however, on that infamous Ski trip of 02'.
thanks for the birthday wishes!!! i'm calling you now.
i love you!
ok - thanks for making the mother cry - oh, and Gayla too - she walked in on me while I was reading your blog.
so is dave going to london? call me this week if you have time. i want to hear how your first week goes. i'll be praying for you.
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