Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Back to School...

The lack of posts lately is due to several things - one of them being that I've started working on my classroom for the school year. I have two weeks (that's two) until my summer is officially over. So, I've started making my room into the sanctuary I would love for it to be. Mimsies was a dear yesterday and came and helped me move furniture and affirm me as I made decisions. It was so nice to have her there!

This is what awaited me yesterday;

After much sweat and deliberating, this is how we left it yesterday. (I did some additional work on it today - it's getting cuter, I promise!)

Shocking transformation, isn't it?

I'm kidding.


Blogger Rachel said...

It's LOVELY! I still feel like I didn't help an iota. =) Oh well, I'm good for moral support. And thanks again for lunch.

3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, I remember the days of trying to arrange a classroom. My sisters and sister-in-law helped me get my room ready. Too bad I was only there for two weeks because it looked AWESOME.

7:20 AM  

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