For you, mom
Well, I survived my first three days of school. God bless the person who thought up the idea to have the 1st day of school in the middle of the week. I honestly don't know if I could've done a full week. After a weekend of sleeping and trying to catch up around the house, I'm back at it again tomorrow. Special thanks to Mimsies and hubby for the deli-shoes meals that I get to partake in. You guys are a blessing to me!

This picture is for my mom. Every year on the first day of school, we would always get in our new outfits with our new bookbags and we'd stand on the front porch and show what grade we were going into with our fingers. Since it's my 2nd year of teaching, I thought it appropriate to set up the camera with the timer (dave's still in London) and capture the moment at 6:45 a.m.

This picture is for my mom. Every year on the first day of school, we would always get in our new outfits with our new bookbags and we'd stand on the front porch and show what grade we were going into with our fingers. Since it's my 2nd year of teaching, I thought it appropriate to set up the camera with the timer (dave's still in London) and capture the moment at 6:45 a.m.
you are so funny - you know you will be doing this with your own children someday...
i love you, mom
Hey, any time! Wanna come over tonight? It's chicken parmesan night...
What a fun tradition!
I thought you were saying peace at first glance.
What grade do you teach? I know you've probably said it on here before, but I can't remember. I don't know how you do it, but I'm glad you do. I'm sure you are an amazing teacher.
Oh, and you looked so beautiful on your first day - I bet there will be lots of little boys with crushes on you!
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