oh yes.

It's that time. After dodging boxes full of c-r-a-p for almost a year, we've decided to make a little moolah with our junk. Trash to treasure, that's what I say. We'll see if the Westside thinks it's a treasure. So, I've made these eye-catching signs (still seeing orange when I blink) and plan on putting them up tomorrow morning after the monsoon hits. (we're under a thunderstorm advisory as I type) I'll keep you posted on how much cash we make. I'm setting my sights high - $20-25. Hey, that way if we make more I'll just be surprised.
In other news, my class is finished!!!! yea!!! I've completed a 3-week online course and I feel like I've run the marathon. I am SO glad that it's over. Mimsies helped me figure out the depths of PowerPoint and I created THE most fabulous powerpoint presentation you've ever seen. I'd love to post that here for you to see (because it's SO interesting) but I have no idea how to do that. I'll try for that later.
So, now my days are spent (guilt-free) lounging, running errands, going for long walks with Lucy (and Mimsies and Murphy) and overall enjoying my days without work. What a nice feeling to know that have a job lined up for the fall. sigh. In just 2-1/2 weeks we'll be heading to Hilton Head, SC for a week of vacation. We can't wait! We'll be meeting up with some close friends (including Mimsies and her hubby) and will spend a full week just lounging at the beach and enjoying each others' company. Tonight is our first "planning meeting". The four of us (Dave, me, Mimsies and Jared) will be meeting up to discuss all the details. (Can you tell we're excited!?) I'll let you know if anything earth-shaking happens at our first meeting. I'm pretty sure there will be a 2nd and a 3rd too.
Alrighty, that about does it for this update. I realized that I hadn't written in a while, so I wanted to get you all (who am I kidding - the 3 of you) up to speed. Hope everyone is having a fantastic day!
Wow - I made a record four mentions in this post! I have truly arrived.
So can we bring some of our c-r-a-p to your sale? I need to go through it and determine what's sellable.
you can bring as much c-r-a-p as you want. the more the merrier!
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