The Voice of an Angel and Convincing a Non-Blogger
If you do not own this cd, promptly get up from your sofa and go to the nearest cd-sellin' store. It is wonderful!
In other news - I'd like to throw a shout out to Kristy in New Mexico. See, I'm trying to convince Kristy that she needs a blog. She has all the perfect ingredients:
1. She's funny
2. She's a great writer
3. She takes amazing photos
4. She's really funny
5. Seriously, she takes a TON of photos
So, help me convince her to start a blog. Any comments I get, I'll send on to her (or she can just read them). Come on...tell her how much fun it is!
In other news - I'd like to throw a shout out to Kristy in New Mexico. See, I'm trying to convince Kristy that she needs a blog. She has all the perfect ingredients:
1. She's funny
2. She's a great writer
3. She takes amazing photos
4. She's really funny
5. Seriously, she takes a TON of photos
So, help me convince her to start a blog. Any comments I get, I'll send on to her (or she can just read them). Come on...tell her how much fun it is!
C'mon Kristy! Join in our addictive hobby! All the cool kids are doing it!
I normally don't use this many exclamation marks, I promise!!
Kristy - you HAVE to do this - the old folks love to read what you kids are doing!!! Really, you would add so much to the bloggin world!
mom schulte
that's "blogging world" - sorry
Hey Sarah... greetings from Ohio. Oh, right you live here. We need to get together.... I told Rachel maybe you guys could all come over for dinner before it gets really out of hand with the Holidays and this weather. It won't be so much like a night out with no children as it will be a night in with three children.... but I promise to give them some cough syrup and put them to bed early! :)
How about Saturday?
Please start a blog, Kristy...I've never been to New Mexico and could live there THROUGH you. :)
Sarah, I'm participating in a CD exchange this Christmas (weird, I know - it's something our Sunday School is doing?) and I requested that CD. I can't wait, especially now that it comes so highly-recommended by you!
Thanks for the props, buddy! As soon as you send me a copy of "Blogging for Dummies", I'll be ready to go. =)
Glad to hear that cd is good. I was thinking about buying it.
Whoops. Do over.
Been sitting here for a ridiculous number of minutes trying to come up with a blog title. Sheesh. The pressure. (This is not a good start. If everything takes me this long, Soph will be in college before I get anything posted.)
For all ye who know me, got any good ideas? All suggestions are welcome (and I'm sure Sarah will just LOVE having her blog spot turned into a "Name Kristy's Site" spot.) =)
P.S All I've come up with so far is: "An Aggie Kritter in a Strange Land" (which could not bore me HELP!) Oh, and "Cheers from Cheech", which is equally pitiful.
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