Monday, November 20, 2006

viente y seis hours and counting...

That's right you non-spanish speakers. 26 more hours. (I am SO fluent) In 26 hours we will be headed to the airport to transport ourselves (and a bunch of our stuff) to Mexico. Riveria Maya to be exact. I will try my best to do a blog post from there, but no promises. Mrs. Sarah needs a vacation. I will if the mood strikes me.

I have parent-teacher conferences today and tomorrow and then I'm outta here. Currently, it's 10:24 a.m. and I am still in my bathrobe. I love this. One of my favorite things about not going into school at regular time is that I can lounge in my p.j.'s as long as I want to. Quite possibly one of the best things ever. However, working from 1:00p.m. to 8:00p.m. is NOT one of the best things ever. Yes, we had to rearrange our schedules so that our parents could come to the parent-teacher conferences. I, however, have to go in even earlier because I have left my room in shambles. On Friday, I got the wild idea to rearrange my entire classroom (with the help of one of my teaching assistants). I was really excited about it until about, oh 4:10p.m. Then, I just wanted to go home.

Any of you teachers out there know that the last day before break - when the kids leave, YOU leave. That is the best feeling in the world to say goodbye to your students as they board the bus and then skip and jump (in my case hobble) to your car. Sweet freedom! A whole week of no students! I did this, after I had moved bookshelves, desks and huge binders. So, today I'm going in early to make my room look presentable and scrub the crayon off of my table. (I've got a lot of faith that the magic eraser will help me do this)

Anyway, I'm off. I hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving! Enjoy your turkey and stuffing. I'll be feasting on tortillas and salsa.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm muy jealous. Hope your conferences went well (and went by quickly) and that you guys have a GREAT time in Me-hee-co! We'll be thinking about you guys. See ya next week!

3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mom used to somehow manage to go to five different parent-teacher conferences on the SAME day. Insane.

Have fun in Mexico for all of us!!

6:43 AM  

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