Christmas at the Mansion

So my in-laws live in a mansion. Let me explain. They are working for CMML which is their mission organization that they have been affiliated with for years. They have lived in Manila, Philippines for 20 years as missionaries and just moved back to the states this past summer. They are now living in the “mansion” hosting missionary families that come through and taking care of the property. It’s the perfect place for family get-togethers!
Here is the backyard. The house was originally on over 200 acres of land. Now the mission organization only owns 17 acres.

As the story goes, the original owner of the home had it built in 1930 for his fiancé. (I know!) Apparently, he also owned a lot of horses and like to parade them in his backyard between these trees. Isn’t it cool? This was one of my favorite sides of the house. The sad part is, this guy had an inner ear problem and was told not to ride his horses. He did anyway and ended up having a riding accident and died before they got married. So, neither of them lived in the mansion. Sad, isn’t it?
Ok, back to Christmas. So we got to spend a full week with Dave’s parents and his older sister and brother-in-law. It was a great time! We ate lots of good food, played lots of games, spent a day in New York City and even snuck in a trip to IKEA. It was fantastic!
Christmas morning started with a phone call from Josh and Val. It was fun to get to talk to them. And it sounded like they had a fun and busy Christmas in Manila.

After we opened presents, we went on a hayride around the property. It was fun to get bundled up and spend some time outside. Lucy loved it at the mansion. Lots of spaces to roam free!
We had the most amazing Christmas dinner and we got to eat it in the formal dining room of the mansion. We transported all of the food and dishes down to this table to eat. It was so fun! We felt like royalty!

This is my sister-in-law, Heather and her husband, Bryan:

Here is a picture of Dave and his Grammy. Isn’t she cute?

I tried brussel sprouts for the first time. They were pretty good. I couldn’t eat a plate full, but this one made it down just fine.

We spent the day on Thursday in New York. We took a 2 hour train ride and landed ourselves in the middle of New York. It was my first time to visit. I loved it! It was a whirlwind day of trying to see as much as possible and as fast as our little legs would carry us. We started at Ground Zero (amazing, by the way, and very moving. I was surprised at how much it affected me being there), went through China Town, ate pizza at Cha Cha’s in Little Italy, took a subway to Central Park, visited the huge tree at Rockefeller Plaza, sauntered down the sidewalks of 5th Avenue (more like a mob scene – it was SO busy!) and finished the day in Times Square. We were beat at the end of the day, but we had a great time!
Central Park:

Rockefeller Plaza:

Times Square:

Lucy had her first swim in the ocean and loved every minute of it.

And I discovered my extreme love of jigsaw puzzles!

We completed a 1000 piece puzzle within a few days. (Actually it was 999 pieces - one was missing) Those few days of puzzle fun were full of good conversation, frustration and joy. I love puzzles! Can you find the missing piece?

All in all, it was a great trip. It was so nice to be away for so long and be completely separated from work and the day-to-day routines. To our New Jersey family – thank you so much for your hospitality! We can’t wait to come back to the mansion to visit!

Thank you for coming to the CMML mansion! We had a great time too! The week went much too fast but we seemed to fill it with lots of good times making more memories!
So come back soon and often - Still lots to uncover - we spent two days putting away all the decorations in the attic. And Mary still found some excellent buys on after Christmas sales.
We also have plenty of puzzles that need to be put together!
Love you guys - mom/dad Parsons
Sniff...sigh...poor Val. =) Just kidding. Your pictures are wonderful! I love the NYC ones. It's a great photo journalism spread. I would love to let Mackenzie loose with Lucy on the grounds. Can you imagine the nap she would take?
I found the missing piece - I probably would still be sad about it if I were in your shoes. A missing piece is highly devastating for me. My sister Julie used to secretly "steal" a piece just to annoy me because I was so selfish that I didn't want ANY help working the puzzle. When she had the last piece, I had no choice but to let her put it in. Ah, the joys of sibling rivalry!
It looks like you had a wonderful trip! My favorite picture was the picture of your plate with the brussels sprout placed perfectly in the center. You are too cute for words.
I haven't experienced New York yet, but hope to very soon (especially after seeing your beautiful pictures)!
You didn't tell me about the inner-ear story! That's just about the saddest thing I've ever heard! Though Jennie's story comes in a close second... all that hard work, and your sister gets to put in the last piece. Sniff.
I can't wait to visit the mansion someday! And, of course, NYC.
CUTE picture of you and Dave in Rockefeller Center! You look like a stinking SUPERMODEL. What is up with you kooky sisters this holiday season?? I saw Annie. She looked great. Then I got to see Molly for a little while. She looked most excellent too. Was there something in the water in Mexico - model juju?
Remind me to tell you about our hilarious trip home. The ENTIRE household (and town, for that matter) got the funk and your mom ended up being recruited to keep Sophie for a night. Both of them seemed to have a rip-roaring good time. Sophie calls your mom "Kottie". It is a HOOT. She is still talking about her. =) Remind me to also tell you about the drive home. It was considerably less hilarious. Let's just say "thank you, Honda" for the fancy pants anti-skid system in the Odessy. When our back tires started to try and bypass our front tires, it kicked into fancy mode and kept us from going sideways down I-40. ABQ got 30 inches of snow, with a nice layer of ice on top. We thought we had delayed coming home enough to miss any effects of the storm. ...But apparently not. People all around were in the ditch and shooting off the road before our very eyes. And I was the driver! ME!!!! The Not-So-Good-In-A-Crisis One. And I couldn't trade with nice, calm Russ because I couldn't exit the interstate (for fear of joining the ditch people). Sheesh. I was a mess by the time we got home.
We just got back tonight. I hope to get my "appreciation gift" and stuff in the mail to you on Monday. Just to peak your curiosity - You should stalk the mailman. What's coming your way is mighty fine! =)
I missed you!! You have to keep in contact even though the portfolio is finished. I've loved talking to you almost daily this past month. You can't go "dark" on me again. Hee!
...And I agree with Jennie - the plate picture was a hoot.
The lone brussel sprout, isolated from the herd and put in the center of the plate (so as to not funkify the other food), was too funny! Not being a brussel sprout fan myself, I think you were mighty brave to get that one to go down smoothly. (No offense to all of the Brussel Sprout Lovers out there, of course...but YIKES, those little dudes are scary!) =)
The mansion and grounds looked beautiful! And the hayride after opening presents sounds like soooooo much FUN! I've always been a girl who digs the hayride. Something about bundling up and cuddling together in the open air, while looking at pretty sights -- it's great! And the "warm back up" cup of hot chocolate that follows...
I hated not getting to see you this Christmas (sharing is not really my special gift). But it sounds like you had a great time. I'm glad your New Jersey family took such good care of you. Hug Dave and hope to see you super soon!
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