Christmas in February
So my friend, Kristy (you know, the one in New Mexico that we're all trying to convince to start a blog?), well, she and her husband are starting the adoption process again. They had asked me a few months ago if I would design their adoption portfolio for them. I said, "why yes, of course". They sent me pictures and the rest is history. Here's the finished product:

Anywho, she's been telling me that I should "stalk the mailman" because a Thank You gift was on its way in the mail. Long story short: It arrived today. And oh. my. goodness. It's a great present!
The box: A delicious size just begging to be opened immediately. I'll admit, I put off opening it for a few minutes because I was SO excited to open it, I didn't want that excitement to go away. (Is anyone else like this or am I just sick?)

Then, the opening: Such glorious wrapping and placement! I can appreciate good display sense when it comes to packages. When I send packages, I often do a "mock opening" before taping it up, pretending that I'm the person receiving the gift and making sure that it looks "just so" when opened. Again, probably too much information.

And the grand finale: The loot. There is some super fun stuff here! Every single thing she gave me was something I would have picked out for myself. How fun is this!?

Kristy, Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have made my month. Seriously.
Anywho, she's been telling me that I should "stalk the mailman" because a Thank You gift was on its way in the mail. Long story short: It arrived today. And oh. my. goodness. It's a great present!
The box: A delicious size just begging to be opened immediately. I'll admit, I put off opening it for a few minutes because I was SO excited to open it, I didn't want that excitement to go away. (Is anyone else like this or am I just sick?)

Then, the opening: Such glorious wrapping and placement! I can appreciate good display sense when it comes to packages. When I send packages, I often do a "mock opening" before taping it up, pretending that I'm the person receiving the gift and making sure that it looks "just so" when opened. Again, probably too much information.
And the grand finale: The loot. There is some super fun stuff here! Every single thing she gave me was something I would have picked out for myself. How fun is this!?
Kristy, Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have made my month. Seriously.
Labels: friends
Sweetest Sarah,
You're MOST welcome! (You're display of the loot was too funny. I loved how you walked us through the opening process - from box arrival to the perfectly positioned items on display. It's like we were there. Hee.)
Thank YOU for making us the best portfolio in the whole world. You made us look WAY better than we really are!
And thank you for not batting an eye when I said, "Hey, Sarah, you want to take on a hideously time consuming project for us?" (Despite the fact that you were smack in the middle of your own hideously time consuming projects.)
Your immediate, "Sure. I'd love to!" response was truly a testament to your sweet, giving spirit. ...As was your willingness to endure countless picture revisions and additions from your picture obsessed friend. (And you thought you just needed patience to deal with your kids at school, huh?)
Yay! I'm glad you liked your present.
Love you mucho,
Oooooh, I'd recognize those truffles anywhere! Way to go, Kristy.
Sarah, I'm glad you got such a great package in the mail. That's exactly how we felt when my mom unpacked all the gifts from you guys. Did I tell you that Mackenzie LOVES her little ballerina? Mom gave it to her right away, and she played with it the entire way home from the airport.
Remember when we would check our mail at JBU and see one of those colored slips of paper that said we had a package? It was so exciting (until you found out that it actually was for your box mate? That was a downer).
You're so cute about making the excitement last and taking so much care in packing your own packages. Mom and I thought it was sweet.
Anyway, enjoy those great gifts!
As Borat would say, Wow-a-wee-wa! That's some pretty cool stuff. =)
I never knew that you did a MOCK OPENING of gifts! You are a piece of work, Sarahs, a piece of work. Do you cringe when you get gifts from me, shoved willy-nilly into a box without looking "just so"?
You're very sweet to do all that work for Kristy. I want to know where she got that scarf!
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