Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Work, Work, Work

I feel like Cinderelli (remember the cute mouse in the cartoon that called her Cinderelli? I love that.)

i've been back to school a whopping 6 days since Christmas break and I'm already feeling like I need another break. These kids are taking it out of me. Special Education teachers have a laundry list of job titles. It seems like each day I'm discovering a new job title to add to my resume, should I leave this career and move on to another.

1. Teacher
(ok, that's a given.)

2. Mother
(although I am not one, I feel like I have 8 children each day when I walk in the building...especially when they keep saying my name over and over and over and over and over. Oh, did I mention diapers? Yes, we change diapers. Thanks to my wonderful assistants in the room, I've had to change only a few this year...but still. I definitely put my time in when I taught preschool in Texas. shooo-weee!)

3. Nurse
(Some of my students have seizures and therefore we are trained to give them the appropriate medication, should the school nurse not be around. In addition to this, we're always feeling foreheads and giving little snacks for tummy aches.)

4. Hairdresser
(From time to time we have to fix the occasional droopy ponytail or barette that has fallen out. However, today, I can actually add cutting hair to my list. One of my students got gum stuck in her hair and I had to cut it out.)

5. Mother - again
(The number of times I've wiped snotty noses and caught puke in my hand cannot be counted...I'm certain this is getting me ready for motherhood one day)

6. Juggler
(With nine students and all of them at different levels, I've learned how to keep them all occupied in some way while working one-on-one with them. It's been quite the lesson in multi-tasking.)

7. Correctional Officer
(I spend a good portion of my day scheming ways to keep certain students on task. These students try our patience every hour of the day and enjoy doing it. These students make it really hard to love my job some days.)

8. Architect
(This is a new one that was just added to the list today) Do you know what I love? People that do THEIR jobs. Today, we were asked by a person in charge of the school buildings to "sketch some plans" for a handicapped bathroom that is needing to be built in our school. You know, just give him the dimensions that a handicap bathroom needs and they'll do the rest. Excuse me? I know nothing about this. Nevermind that it's not even in my job title. (I'm all about going above and beyond, but come on!) We were mildly amused and annoyed at this request.

I love teaching. Don't get me wrong. I just think I'm having a hard time getting adjusted to school again myself. I cannot wait for summer break!

I'm off to research the ADA guidelines for dimensions of a handicap bathroom.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've had a hard time getting back into the swing of things, too.
we should talk on the phone, too.
call me.
i love you.

6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Perhaps you should add a few more titles to your job description.

May I propose these:

1.) Superwoman. I knew a bit about your job just from your title as teacher to children with special needs. Now that I know a bit more, I am convinced you have a cape and "Super Sarah" shirt and underoos on under your teacher duds. You change into your costume out in the hall, don't you? =)

2.) Saint. ...Or should we say Job. Seriously, buddy, you must have the patience of Job. I deal with one (1!!) special needs child, and it is WAAAAAY more than I can handle most of the time. Catching puke in your hand is disgusting enough when it's your own child. I cannot imagine rising to the task of catching other mother's children's puke. Yowser. I'm pretty sure I'd hurl right along with them into my other hand.

3.) Sweetest Stinking Person in the Whole Wide World. Those students are so lucky. I know you are the best teacher. You are so creative, and loving, and patient, and the perfect amount of gentle spirit combined with Firm Disciplinarian. It takes a special person to do what you do, and I know you are AWESOME at it (even on the days when you want to pull your hair out strand-by-strand and run screaming into the street).

Hang in there, buddy!! ...OR, even better - escape to New Mexico to visit me! =)


6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And OH MY...

May I just say how hugely impressed I am that you didn't burst out laughing when the guy asked you to put your architect hat on and sketch out the handicapped bathroom design.

Holy crimole!!!

There's no WAY I could have remained composed during that one. I have a tendency to laugh and snort at hilarious happenings. If I try to hold it in, I have a tendency to turn flaming beet purple red (and sometimes squeak out a little bit of pee on myself).

...See. The effort of trying to remain civilized just isn't worth it. It's better to just have a hearty hee haw and spare myself the embarrassment of smelling like a gerbil cage.


6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on, everyone knows the basics....the sink faucets have to be 17" from the wall, and the sink must be no more than 34" from the ground. There must be 30 by 48" of clear floor space around the sink. Oh, and the TP must be 19" from the ground-no more, no less...you're welcome. =)

6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Val - impressive. Why can't the guy research handicap bathrooms on his time? Weird.

I double Kristy's comment! I don't know how you do it! Hang in there. Spring Break is just around the corner. And know what else? 'Ol Jack Bauer comes back on Sunday!! =)

6:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Val - impressive. Why can't the guy research handicap bathrooms on his time? Weird.

I double Kristy's comment! I don't know how you do it! Hang in there. Spring Break is just around the corner. And know what else? 'Ol Jack Bauer comes back on Sunday!! =)

6:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Val - impressive. Why can't the guy research handicap bathrooms on his time? Weird.

I double Kristy's comment! I don't know how you do it! Hang in there. Spring Break is just around the corner. And know what else? 'Ol Jack Bauer comes back on Sunday!! =)

6:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd share a Sophie story that falls under Val's "inappropriate comments" category.

I had just started running a bath for Sophie and told her "hold on a sec, I need to run downstairs to get the baking soda". (She has been kind of hivey lately and we've been taking baking soda soaks).

I was gone 2.5 seconds (literally - I was hauling butt to get back fast). When I got to the top of the stairs, she came screeching around the corner, naked as a jaybird. "Look, Mama. Show you I pooped."

Since she has thus far shown no interest in her potty or in the toilet, I'm sure my face reflected my horror. I thought, "WHERE did you poop?"

I followed her and she led me to the bathroom and pointed to her potty.

"See. I pooped a BIG one. HUGE!"

I about hooted! We had congratulatory hugs and high-fives, as I tried not to throw up during the clean up process. A child on an all liquid diet pooping into a potty that doesn't flush: not fun.

But reason for celebration nonetheless. ...Who knew poop could be this exciting?? =)

11:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I meant to add that there are very few people in the world who can do what you have the patience to handle. (Did I mention that every night, morning, and throughout the day, I pray for patience to handle one two year old?) Way to go!

Oh, and Kristy, your stories crack me up!

6:07 AM  
Blogger kautzfam said...

Hi you! Let me just say I love to read your blog :) This was so funny, my Aunt was a special ed teacher in California for several years. She worked with the older children (up to 21 yrs) let's just say the whole diaper thing...yeah, nasty. I'm sure you two would have fun sharing stories :) Miss, miss, miss ya! -Tara

8:40 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

Sarah..I agree with everyone else..I don't know how you do it. You are amazing and I know your kiddos l-o-v-e you.
April is just around the corner...:) I can't wait! Love you friendy friend.

3:27 PM  

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