Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sarah has left the building...

The Blogger building, that is. I've jumped on the bandwagon with Mimsies and moved.

Please follow me to my new blog on Wordpress. Sarah Plain & Tall has moved!

Change your bookmarks, leave yourself a voicemail. I will not be posting on this site anymore. I've opted for a change in design...bear with me while I make adjustments.

Peace out, Blogger.

Snow Day #2

I should change that to Ice Day.

It all started with a 4:15 a.m. call from my principal. She said, "Sarah, I just got the call. We don't have school today. Go ahead and make your phone calls and go back to bed." So I drug my tired toosh out of bed and called four lucky contestants. I love being the one on the phone with good news, but I hate being the one that calls in the middle of the night. I contemplated waiting until 6:00 to call, but I figured this way, people could really sleep in...nevermind the heart-racing phone call at 4:20 a.m. I've always hated those middle of the night phone calls. You always know in your gut that something can't be right. Actually, 2 of the 4 people that I called were already awake (or they were good fakers). Anyway, how did I manage to write an entire paragraph about HOW I found out about my snow day?

I went out this morning to start shoveling for Dave to get out of the driveway...I got on a roll and ended up doing the entire driveway and all of the sidewalks. I don't know what got into me. I'm considering it my workout for the day. My arms are all shaky and tired now, but it feels good to look out at my handiwork. Too bad it'll be covered in a layer of ice by the end of the day. We're supposed to get a wintry mix all day, through the night and into tomorrow morning. Fun stuff.

So, snow day it is! I plan on staying in, cleaning the house and baking cookies. (I've held off as long as I could. This cold weather makes me crave baking!)

In other news: I'm in the market for buying a new cd. I haven't bought one in a while and I have credit from my sister-in-law and hubby to Borders. I've got my eye on the new Norah Jones cd. I'm also thinking about Nichole Nordeman. She has some amazing songs.

Any recommendations out there?


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

101 Things About Me

1. I really like things that smell good. I love getting a new scent (lotion/body spray) before a big trip in my life. I like to associate smells with memories.

2. I am 6 feet tall. I did not play basketball or volleyball. Ask me how many times I’ve been asked that question in my life.

3. Once, when grocery shopping, I encountered an older shopper who said to me, “My, you’re a big girl!” He also proceeded to tell me about the world’s largest person and how tall this person was because “I would be interested to know.” All tall people want to small-talk about OTHER tall people. Duh.

4. I love waking up in the middle of the night and hearing a storm or rain on the roof.

5. I have always loved dogs. Since I was little, I’ve wanted many dogs. We currently have a black lab, Lucy, who is like our child. When I was in elementary school, I puff painted (neon puff paint, mind you) a t-shirt that said “#1 Dog Lover”. I kid you not.

6. I’ve always been worried that I wouldn’t think that my child was as cute as my dog. I’ve always thought that dogs were so cute. Especially Lucy. The older I get, and the more nieces I get, the more I realize that this probably won’t happen. Yet, the thought still lingers…

7. I usually hear and smell things way before anyone else. I have a super sonic sniffer and can hear like a dog.

8. I am a Christian. When I was 6, I accepted the Lord as my Savior.

9. I have played the piano since I was 8. I played “Chicken in the Corn” for my first recital. I threw up before that recital.

10. I love all kinds of music. If there was a job where I could sit, listen and appreciate music all day – I would be your woman.

11. I was born in Kansas, grew up in Arkansas, moved to Texas right out of college and currently live in Ohio.

12. I played the French Horn in band from sixth grade until my senior year in high school. I was offered a scholarship to UCA to play French Horn. I politely turned it down. My days as a “band geek” had come to an end.

13. I never thought I would leave Arkansas.

14. I love to travel. I don’t think I would have such a love of traveling if it weren’t for JBU (where I attended college). There were so many international students and people from all over the globe. It opened my eyes to life outside of Arkansas.

15. My husband is an MK (Missionary Kid) from the Philippines. He is ALSO one of the reasons why I like to travel.

16. It drives me crazy when people say Wal-Marts and AWANAs. There are no “s’s” on those words people!

17. I’m a closet Beyonce and Justin Timberlake fan.

18. If music is really good, I immediately get goosebumps. Singers that give me goosebumps: Sarah McLachlan, Allison Krauss, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston.

19. I was not a cheerleader in high school, but I secretly wanted to be one. I also knew all of their cheers.

20. In addition to #12, I was the drum major for 2 years in my high school marching band. We were the only high school band in Arkansas that marched military style. I was always (and still am) proud of that. We had a great reputation and an amazing band director. He has since retired. He is one of my favorite teachers ever.

21. Smells that I like: bread baking, bacon frying (but not burning), pumpkin spice candles, gingersnaps & cupcakes baking, and puppy breath.

22. The only sport I remotely like to watch is basketball. I just don’t get football.

23. My husband is a HUGE sports fan. This makes #22 a little tough.

24. I am the oldest of three girls in my family. We are all 2 years apart. And yes, the oldest sibling DOES pave the way for the others. I’ve done it numerous times. You’re welcome.

25. My parents have been happily married for almost 30 years. I am very proud of the fact that they are still together and are such good role models for our marriage.

26. Growing up, we always had family meals around the dinner table each night. I miss that about growing up. I can’t wait to have my own family meals when we have a kids.

27. My sisters and I love to sing together. We have recorded two cds. (We’ve only “sold” about 200) We have a blast singing together!

28. I have a degree in Graphic Design and a minor in Music.

29. I am now a special ed teacher.

30. My mom was also a special ed teacher.

31. I worked for the Josh McDowell Ministry for three years as a graphic designer right out of college. I met some amazing people and learned a lot about working for a non-profit organization.

32. In 2003, I decided that I wanted to switch careers. I got accepted into an alternative teaching program in Texas, took classes, took tests and got into the field. My first year in education, I was a teaching assistant in a self-contained special education classroom. The next year, I taught a preschool program for children with disabilities (PPCD) and now I teach a Multiple Disability class in Ohio. I finally feel like I have found my niche in the world.

33. I have big feet. Size 10 to be exact. But hey, if my feet were small, I’d fall right over, right?

34. I also love dance movies. Anything that has a choreographed dance in the middle of it – I usually love it.

35. I like to cook. Over the past few years, I feel like my cooking style has evolved based on who I’ve lived close to. It’s kind of fun to discover new recipes and ways to cook.

36. I’ve been married to my amazing husband for 5 years. We were married on September 29, 2001. Just two weeks after September 11. It was a stressful time with concerns that some of our guests would not make it to the wedding. Our biggest concern was getting Dave’s parents to the States safely from the Philippines. They both made it just fine.

37. I love to make stuff. Crafty stuff. I’m not afraid to tackle a project.

38. Even though I love my new career, I’ve always wanted to be a stay at home mom and have at least three kids.

39. Along the lines of #28, my husband is also a graphic designer. We had all of the same classes in college. He is the better designer, by far.

40. Dave and I did not start dating until our last semester of college. He tells me that he liked me all through college. I did not know this. If I would have known this, I would’ve run the other direction. I’ve always been shy around guys.

41. I’ve only dated two guys in my life. My brother-in-law and my husband. Yes, you read that right.

42. In fourth grade, we had a lip sync contest. My group did the song “I Think We’re Alone Now” by Tiffany. We rocked the house.

43. I like to chop things when I’m stressed. Guacamole is my favorite thing to make when stressed.

44. I also love to bake. Anything and everything. Dave has to ask me to stop baking because we both just eat it up.

45. We do not have any children…but we’re praying that it will happen soon.

46. I love to take pictures. I took one photography class in college and learned how to develop real film in a dark room. It was loads of fun. I would love to have my own dark room. I’m by no means a “photographer”, I just love to document life with pictures.

47. I have traveled to Mexico, Philippines, Russia and Tunisia. We have a trip to Australia planned this summer. I’ve loved every place that I’ve been to. It’s so fun to see different cultures. I think that every one should visit a third world country. It is life-changing.

48. I’ve always wanted to go to Italy. Dave and I have a goal of taking a trip there for our 10 year anniversary.

49. I’m not a super girly girl, but I’m not a tomboy either.

50. I do, however, LOVE to get pedicures. It’s the one thing that I love to do that is super girly.

51. I’m very low-maintenance when it comes to products and getting ready. I hate to take a long time to get ready, and I buy all of my make-up at Wal-Mart.

52. I’ve always had red hair and was often called Red and Carrot Top. I hate both of those names.

53. I wish that we lived closer to family. I think that life is too short to live far away from those that you love. (or is it whom you love?)

54. I love to wear fun earrings. I’ve developed quite a collection. My favorites are the ones I got in the Philippines. They were only 50 cents each.

55. One of my dreams is for Dave and I to stop working and to go live in the Philippines for a year. I would love to work at the New Faith Family Children’s Home and take care of those beautiful kiddos.

56. I loved my college experience. It is one of the best time periods of my life so far. The people that I met in college are family to me.

57. The first rated R movie I ever saw was Major League. I was in Kansas staying with my grandma and I called my parents long-distance to ask permission to see the movie. I am NOT a rule-breaker.

58. I absolutely HATE scary movies. Why would you want to spend two hours in absolute fear? It does not seem like a fun way to spend your time.

59. Another dream is for Dave and I to quit our jobs (I’m seeing a theme here) and go work at a camp in the summer. I’ve always liked camp. I think we’d be good “camp people”.

60. I love working with kids with physical disabilities. I get a kick out of helping with their physical therapy and seeing them progress.

61. Stores I would visit if I won the lottery: IKEA, Hobby Lobby, Target. I would have a different set of linens for every week in the year. I would also have a different set of dishes for every month. Dishes and linens are so fun to me.

62. I have very thick hair. I have to have it thinned when I get it cut. I would love to give you half of my hair if I could.

63. When I was little, I was playing outside with my cousins and my sisters. My cousin, Tim, was taunting a neighborhood cat with a blue plastic shovel. The cat headed straight for me and bit and scratched one side of my body. After looking all over the neighborhood for the cat, we finally had to go the hospital and I was signed up for a week’s worth of rabies shots in my booty. It was not a pleasant experience. I still remember what that nurse looked like.

64. My favorite color is teal. I think it’s gorgeous.

65. At the age of 28, I’m starting to really get who I am…and I like that.

66. I love to get mail. (the snail mail variety) I get really excited each day when I go and check the mail.

67. When I was little, I thought Amy Grant and I were friends. We listened to her ALL the time. I remember a dream that I had with her in it. We were really good friends and had a blast hanging out.

68. We had an Oak Ridge Boys album and would listen to it growing up. My sister, Annie, told me that she didn’t like the Oak Ridge Boys. I proceeded to tell her that I knew them and I would let them know that she didn’t like them. She started crying.

69. My youngest sister, Molly, had a brain tumor when she was little. She was one when they discovered it and we celebrated her second birthday in the hospital. I was only five when this all happened and I remember it being a really big deal. My grandma came to stay with us while my mom and dad stayed with Molly in Little Rock. They got to stay in the Ronald McDonald house while she was in the hospital. I only have a few memories of this time. One of them being Molly’s birthday party. The other memory is of me being really excited to see my mom and show her how long my fingernails had grown since I had last seen her.

70. I think that Molly’s life is a miracle. They removed her entire left frontal lobe. She functions normally and has no affects of the surgery. I think she’s amazing!

71. My sister, Annie, and I fought like cats and dogs when we were little. Every day there was some sort of battle. It took me going away to college for us to become good friends.

72. I love being outside. I’ve only been camping a handful of times, but I loved those times. I think it’s so fun to be out in the fresh air. I also like that you don’t have to shower and get ready. I enjoy being grubby.

73. In 1990, we were building our house that my parents currently live in. Before they started building, we would go out to our property every Saturday and pick up rocks. It was a great way to spend a Saturday.

74. Although I hated picking up rocks every Saturday (seriously, in Arkansas, rocks just grow out of the ground), I think it taught us a lot about good work ethic. Plus, we didn’t have a choice.

75. I love to dance to music when no one else is around.

76. My first tape that I ever owned was Tiffany. (Goes along with #42) My dad bought it for me and I was SO excited!

77. I do not like coffee.

78. I could eat pizza for every meal and never get tired of it.

79. When I’m stressed or have a lot going on in my life, I play the piano. It helps me to think through things. I’ve done this since I was in high school.

80. When I was in high school, I developed a heart arhythmia. For several years, I took heart medication every day. I don’t take the medicine anymore. I don’t drink anything with caffeine in it because of this. It makes me feel gross.

81. I had my nose pierced on a spring break trip to California my junior year of college. When I called my mom I told her I needed to tell her something. She asked me, “Tattoo or piercing?” I wore my nose ring for about 5 years. I took it out when I got into teaching.

82. People trapped underwater freak me out. I have a hard time watching scenes in movies with these things in them.

83. I grew up going to a non-denominational, Bible church. Currently, we are attending a Brethren Assembly.

84. I love antiques. I love to have a variety of different styles in my decorating.

85. I love to garden and work in the yard. I get a big kick out of watching my plants grow each spring. When we left our house in Texas, I cried when I had to leave my flowerbeds.

86. My favorite season is Fall. Hence the September wedding. I love the colors (they’re great redhead colors) and the smells.

87. I’ve always been good at remembering birthdays and anniversaries.

88. I am an obsessive list maker. I single-handedly keep Post-It in business. I’m sure of it.

89. I have amazing friends. I often look at my life and feel so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life.

90. I do not have any tattoos. I’m pretty sure I’ll never get one.

91. The first time I mowed grass was in 2003. I was 25 years old.

92. I’ve had my kids’ names picked out for years. We’ll see if they end up staying the same.

93. I love Mexican food. I miss Tex-Mex. They don’t know how to do that up here in Ohio.

94. My first concert ever was Steven Curtis Chapman. I was 16. Dave’s first concert was Sting. In the Philippines.

95. I was an extra in a movie when I was in high school. The movie is Leap of Faith starring Steve Martin. We have a family friend/neighbor who used to do costuming for movies. They were shooting a movie in Dallas and we all got to sit in on a revival scene. We were there all day – close to 12 hours. The total time the scene lasted in the movie: just a few minutes. You can see my dad the best of all of us in the movie. It was fun, but really tiring. It made me glad that I didn’t do that every day.

96. I always wondered why teachers got so many breaks and summers off. I know now why. Teachers deserve every single break that they get. It’s tough working with kids every day.

97. My favorite concert I’ve ever been to was Sarah McLachlan at the American Airlines Center in Dallas. She is amazing.

98. I’ve never been a big sleeper. I don’t take naps and I can’t sleep in. I used to be a night owl, until I started teaching. Now I’m in bed by 10:00 every night. Sometimes 9:30. Growing up, I was always the one at the sleepovers who would wake up super early to watch cartoons by myself. All the other girls would sleep in until noon. I always felt like it was a waste of a day.

99. I have a really hard time finding pants that I like and that are long enough for me. It annoys me that every store doesn’t have pants in Long sizes. Big girls (#3) need jeans too!

100. I love going for walks when the weather is nice. It’s one of my favorite things to do in the mornings during the summer.

101. Mosquitos love me. They will always find me in a crowd and bite me 50 times before anyone else has been touched.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Snow Day!

At long last. We've gotten a Snow Day. (or at least half of one) We dismissed school 2 hours early today because of the amount of snow that was headed our way. It was a good thing we did, too. It started snowing around noon and hasn't stopped. There's already about 3 inches on the ground. It's such pretty snow, too...I'm enjoying watching it from my warm spot on the couch. Now, I just need Dave to get home and all will be well. So, with some extra time on my hands, I decided to catch up on some blogging.

As many of you know, Dave grew up in the Philippines. When we've gone to visit in the past, we've bought a few brooms that they use a lot there. They're short, squaty brooms that have wispy bristles. They work really well. The only downside is that you have to hunker over to use them. (Which, for Filipinos is not a big deal. For me, the 6-footer, it is.) They look like this:

So, we have this friend, Ashley, who's mom, Mrs. Helen, paints brooms. Paints brooms, you ask? Yes. And they are REALLY cute. You can check out her website here. As a side note: You'll notice that she also sells My Brother's Salsa which is also amazing. It really tastes so good! Another little known fact: Dave designed her logo and labels for the salsa. I'm so proud!

Stick with me folks...I promise I'm going somewhere with this.

So, before our last trip to the Philippines, Mrs. Helen asked us if we could bring back a broom from the Philippines so that she could paint it. We did, and then also asked her to paint one for us. I had forgotten about it, to tell you the truth. But, today on our front porch was a box with this cute broom in it!

Isn't it great? And what I love most about these brooms, is that she paints a bible verse on the handle. This one has Colossians 3:23 on it. "Do all your work wholeheartedly." I just think they're wonderful...and they make great gifts! Go check out the website!

And, I must leave you with another picture of Lucy. She was waiting to come in the house after playing in the snow.


Thursday, February 01, 2007

Christmas in February

So my friend, Kristy (you know, the one in New Mexico that we're all trying to convince to start a blog?), well, she and her husband are starting the adoption process again. They had asked me a few months ago if I would design their adoption portfolio for them. I said, "why yes, of course". They sent me pictures and the rest is history. Here's the finished product:

Anywho, she's been telling me that I should "stalk the mailman" because a Thank You gift was on its way in the mail. Long story short: It arrived today. And oh. my. goodness. It's a great present!


The box: A delicious size just begging to be opened immediately. I'll admit, I put off opening it for a few minutes because I was SO excited to open it, I didn't want that excitement to go away. (Is anyone else like this or am I just sick?)

Then, the opening: Such glorious wrapping and placement! I can appreciate good display sense when it comes to packages. When I send packages, I often do a "mock opening" before taping it up, pretending that I'm the person receiving the gift and making sure that it looks "just so" when opened. Again, probably too much information.

And the grand finale: The loot. There is some super fun stuff here! Every single thing she gave me was something I would have picked out for myself. How fun is this!?

Kristy, Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have made my month. Seriously.
