Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Good times in Oklahoma...

I just returned last night from spending 5 days in Tulsa, OK for my best friend's (C's) wedding. It was so much fun - I didn't want it to end! I spent the time "coordinating" the wedding and running errands for the bride. For 3 days before, my best buds and I got to spend quality time together: hanging out in the hotel, going shopping and throwing a bachelorette party. It was a fantastic time! So fantastic, that saying goodbye to all of them made me misty. I miss my girls. I miss living close to them and seeing them more often. It was such a fun time! I'm attaching a few pics from our weekend. (Isn't C a beautiful bride?)

The Girls

My buddy Tara

Wedding Coordinating

C & T - so precious!

Me, C, my sister Molly

All our college friends

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Mother's Day and Touring the City

A few more from our weekend...

Weekend 'o Fun with the folks

Saturday was perfect with planting in the rain and Primavista in the evening. Yum-O.

Thank you Mimsies!!

My dear friend, Mimsies and her husband made me an Apple Pie to celebrate my getting a new job. It was delicious!

Thank you, Thank you!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I'm Employed!

Just a quick note to let you know that I got a teaching job for next school year. I'll start in August.

HELLOOOO summer!

What a relief to know where I'll be in the fall! What a relief that I got the job that I really really wanted. What a relief that God knew all of this before me. (and still, I worry...) I am thrilled with the way things have turned out!

In other news, my parents left this morning after a nice 4-day weekend here in Cincinnati. We had a wonderful time showing them around and just hanging out. We enjoyed some delish food and even managed to sneak in a movie. (p.s. MI:3 is surprisingly very good!) It's always so good to have the folks around. I miss being able to hop in the car to drive to see them on the weekends. Oh well, such is the life of a Midwesterner, right?

pictures of our weekend to come...

Monday, May 08, 2006

I'm Thankful for...

I decided I needed to redeem my last post a little. Nobody likes to open up a blog and read a bunch of yucky stuff. I will try to make up for it with a few things today.

I'm Thankful For...
(in no particular order)

1. Friends who offer an encouraging word when you're down and not having your best of days
2. A clean dog who smells nice
3. A comfy patio set to sit on
4. Knowing that I can turn to God at any time and tell Him how I'm feeling
5. The smell of roasting garlic
6. The anticipation of company coming to visit (my parents in only 4 days!)
7. A hug from my husband
8. Watching my plants and flowers grow each day
9. Getting snail mail that isn't junk mail
10. People that work at the state who answer their phones

Thursday, May 04, 2006

"Blah Week"

I hate to write a post about the yucky things that have happened this week, but I feel in the mood to do so. Here are a few highlights:

1. Got a letter from the state board of education telling me that I need to take just one 3-hour class before I can get a job, but I will need to take an additional 24 HOURS of credit during the next 2 years. All of this is being required of me, a certified teacher in Texas (complete with a certificate that is good until 2010). ugh.

2. Meeting a candidate who was interviewing for the same position I'm interviewing for while subbing in the elementary school. I know there's competition out there, I just don't want to have to meet them.

3. While holding hands and helping a little girl with special needs to the bus, I walked past a pole outside. She however smacked right into the pole and immediately got a knot the size of a quarter on her forehead. (it also had a scary looking purpley line down the center of it) Thank goodness it didn't split open.

4. Having to tell multiple children over and over and over and over again to stop talking kind of gets old after a while. Ah, 5th grade. Bless 'em.

I'll give some happier news later. Just not feelin' it today.